Foley Football
Safeguarding Measures
- Keeping safeguarding constantly on the agenda
- Coach / Managers / Committee compliance
- All coaches working with the teams / club are named on FA databases and this data is kept up to date, as coaches and managers change
- DBS checks for all Coaches
- Coaching qualifications attained or working towards
- Safeguarding Children Course (renewed every 2 years)
- First aid training
- A welfare officer is in place, meets the criteria, has a child-centred approach, is a member of the committee and has the support of the committee
- There is a reporting process including how to escalate to league and county F.A's
- Regular manager meetings to support, check and challenge practice
- Annual General Meetings includes parent young people’s perspectives
- Contact details for the welfare officer are shared with everyone
- The FA club portal is used to stay on top of safeguarding qualifications and checks
- The club safeguarding policy is accessible to members on the club social channels and is shared/re-shared every season
- Children’s voices are regularly invited, valued, listened and responded to.
- Notes taken for reports in the child's own words.